welcome to my official blog ! hope u read my story and may leave ur comment :D ?
... Love yourself before you love Someone ..: 2012


Friday, 14 December 2012

falling in love ?? NO~

assalamualaikum !
hey guys ! hehehe .. kite updated lagyi !!! heHE . time ni nk hujan .. hmmm .. 
kite sejok sngat >.< ... tapi, tak pe laa ,, kite nak updated jugak ! heHE .fieyna nk citer sikit .. ia nya tak laa lucu . dan tak lah sedih .. citer nie oke-2 jew . LOL . 
tadi kan.. kat dalam fb , kite ade kwn baru .. lelaki~ .. dye tuu x laa hensem , x lawa , tapi ... baek ! kite suke laa .. dye tuu lucu sngat ! dye ckp dye nk cuba pikat kitew laa . aaaaarggghhh !!! NO ! alamak ! malu nye ~ .. tak prnah org ckp kat kite cm tuu tau .. dye ckp dye nk call kite mlm nie ... DUP DAP DUP DAP ! nervous niew .. kitw nk ckp apew yerr nnti ?? takkan laa mndiam jew .. nnti kecik pulak hati dye .. hmmm*

alaa ~nervous nyew ... cm ne kalau dye kol kitew , mase tuu jugak adew my parent ?? OH NO ! smakin nervous laa~ harap-2 parent kitew balik lambat mlm niew .. huhuhu 

hehehe .. kitew asyik tertanya-2 . napew erk dye nk sngat dngr suara kitew ? bukan nyew merdu sngat suara kitew niew .. hmm* pelik laa budak tuu ... pelik tapi nyata ! haHA ! OMG ! HUJAN PULAK ! aiyaaa ~ harap-2 kitew x dmam lgi .. huh ?! dh 4 hari kitew dmam niew .. niew pun dh oke sikit .. 

k .. tu je laa ... bye !

best tau buku niew ...

sincerely by :

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follow jgn tak follow !

assalamualaikum !
yuppp ! dah lame x updated blogger nie ..biase lah .. busy ckit tyme nk hmpir skolah nie .. heHe .
skarang nie , fieya tengah buat new facebook ! hehE .  tak lupe jugak , buat blogger untuk RR Collection . blog tuu sumenye pasal tudung telatest laa ! mak kite yg srih buad blog tu .. hmm 
pening palah otak aku ! huh !? tapi , takpe laa .. for mama yg tersyg . fieyna akan buad yg terbaikk ! tapi korang mesti follow k ! susah-2 kite buad takdew org nk follower pulak . kasihani lah akan diriku ini ! ( chewhh .. ) hahaHa .. tapi, blog tuu blom siapp laa .. heHe .. maklum laa .. baru buad ..
nak tengok a few tak gamabar tudung tuu ?? ni haaa ..

tuu je laa fiyna boleh tunjuk kan .. hehehe .. lain hari fieyna kasi tunjuk lah yaa ...

by the way , thank kpda mak ngah fieyna coz dh jdi model tudung !!!

sincerely by : 

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Monday, 3 December 2012

moga insaf lah korang yew ~

assalamualaikum !
hmm .. fieyna blom ngantok gi laa .. hehehe .. fieyna selalu nye akan tidur kol 2 lebih ... hehehe .. jangan heran oukeyh .. hahaha .. sebenarnye .. fieyna tengah boring gilerr niew .. tak tau nak buad apew .. oleh karane boring , fieyna nak share satu cerita .. tak laa cerita 'dongeng' ataupun ' lagenda' .. ini cerita 'realiti' .. 
zaman sekarang heboh pasal ' k-pop ' kn ?? aiesh ! tipu laa kalau korang tak tau k-pop tuu apew ..
niew haa .. nak bagi advise  sikit .. especially for Islam people .. first of all , sorry k , bukan laa nak jaga tepi kain orang .. tapi , agak-2 laa cikit .. jangan laa jadi ' islam hanya pada nama ' .. hormat laa cikit dengan religion sendiri .. aduhh~ tak takot dengan dosa ke korang ??
kalau saye malu laa.. saye bukan nye malu dengan korang semua nye .. saye akan malu dengan Allah ,.
ishh ! sedar laa cikit ..
korang boleh suke dengan artis .. tak kesah laa artis jenis apew pun ..
especially k-pop . tapi , jangan lah buat sebagai idola korang .. itu haram name nye ... dalam al-Quran dah cakap , surah .. erm .. entah laa .. yg pasti , surah tu mengatakan bahawa jangan lah kita jadikan artis itu sebagai idola kita , kerana itu adalah haram . kita sepatut nya iudola kan nabi kita .. iaitu Muhammad S.A.W  .. astagfirullahalazim ..
insaf lah korang .. 
sekarang niew , kite boleh tengok dimana-mana jew k-pop 'palsu' .. hahaha
I mean .. ala-2 korea lah tadi .. puii ~! 
apakah ?! dengan nye rambut kuning , ( kalau real tadi , ouke lah jugak ) mekap tebal ! oh noo~ , pakai spectacle besar O-O .. ahahaha .. cam tuew ke ??
apew-2 jew lah .. yg penting .. harap-2 dye org tu ( sesiapa yg tertentu ) moga insaf laa ~ ..

sincerely by :

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chack !!

assalamualaikum !
there's no story i want to share to all of u .. but , its okayy :) i will shared some picture to u keyh . let's start from this picture ...

haa .. yang pastinya dan semestinya lha .. i proud to be one part of Islam  :D
i'm very grateful of who i am . so please accept me of who i am . i hope one day , i will be 'Muslimah Sejati ' Amin ..

yup ! the next picture is about ... erk .. i don't know ^_^' hahaha .. " someday , someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else " .. isn't that sweet words .. actually , this picture is more than advise right ? (what was I said ) 

owwh ~ sweet nye kalau ade orang cakap cam niew kat kite kan  ?? hmm .. i wish i have someone who can understand my feeling very well :')

hey you ! kalau dye nak tinggal kan awk . awk jangan lah fikir yg bukan-2 .. dye mesti ade sebab 'why' dye tinggalkan awk .. so, bagi remaja-2 yg hangat bercinta tu .. jap ! budak remaja zaman sekarang niew , tak pakai lagi perkataan " bercinta " .. laa niew , dye org panggil " berkapel " .. betol tak ??? hahaha .. apew-2 jer lha .. jangan lah fikirkan yg bukan-2 .. maybe dye ade sebab yg rasenyew baik untuk bersama kot .. jangan ikotkan perasaan korang jew oukeyh .. think first before you do it ..

and the last sekali , hehehe .. takde kaitan apew-2 atau sapew-2 pon ..  just wanna share u allz .. hehehe ..
sincerely by :

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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

terperanjat aku dibuat nye O.O

hai again !
fieyna belum nk out laa .. lagipun kite ade cer cer laaa ..
baru terjadi !5 minit aao 
ni haa ..
tadi , ade sekumpulan org alim dtg dri surau kwsn perumahan fieyna ... dia org just nk cari ayah fieyna dan abg fieyna je pun .. hahaha .. tuii betol laa 
fikir sape kan tdi ..
sbna nya dia org dh pnggil fieyna 2 times .. but , fieyna mase tu tgh jemur baju kat belakang rumah .. mane lah tau yg dia org dtg .. gile jemur baju petang-2 .. ahhahaha LOL 
tapi, betol laa .. fieyna terdengar bunyi " assalamualaikum " .. tapi, mase tu fieyna fikir cuma khayalan je .. fieyna buad tak tau je laa kn .. 
hehehe ... malu nyee ~
first soalan mereka ialah .. ( chewwh~ macam polis laa pulak ..) like this " assalamualaikum , nie nak tanye . ade laki ke kat rumah nie ? " ape lagi .. fieyna mati matian ingat kan JAIS .. pastu fieyna jawab laa macam nie " erk ... " .. hahaha .. tergagap gagap fieyna dibuat nye .. tuii betol lah !!
mereka cakap macam ni lagi "  macam ni lah . kami daripada AJK surau disuruh menziarahi orang Islam yg tinggal di persekitaran sini . ( LOL baru nk intro diri ) . kami nak tanye , ade orang lelaki tak kat rumah ni ? suami ke ? ( WHAT?! i BELOM KAWIN GI LAA ! LOL BETOL ! ) abang ke ? ( haa .. yg tu betol ) atau sesiapa ke ? lelaki la .. " *mengeluh kejap . fieyna cakap laa macam ni lagi " ow .. abang saye takde dekat sini jugak . dye belajar kat UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS . saye takde suami . belom kahwin gi saye . (LOL mereke gelak pulak ) tapi , uncle saye tinggal kat sini . masalah nye , dye pulak belum balik gi . dye keje . malam nnti baru lah dye balik . knpe yer ?? " dia menjawab. " tak , uncle awk ade pagi besok ke ? kalau ade , kalau boleh , datang lah ke surau . " fieyna jaqab , " ow ye ye ye .. insha Allah . saye tolong sampaikan pesanan kat dye nanti . " akher nye dye ckp macam nie .. " terima kasih , harap dapat berjumpe dengan uncle awk yer .. assalamualaikum ." fieyna jawab " sama sama , waalaikumussalam " huh !? 
haiyaa .. bikin suspen saja maa .. bye u guys ! taht's all from me ! nak out laa rase pulak !! slm !

sincerely me 

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tuk mengisi masa yg terluang ~

epp !
assalamualaikum !
i'm back yoo !!!
there's nothing i want to share you ..
but don't worry ! i will share you a picture which is i want you to compare which is me ?? ha ha ha ha ~ 
i am kinda a bored right now , so took some picture and edited it !
i know this picture is look so boring because this owner is feeling muddy for this day .... hrmm *sign
anyways ! i show you the picture !

haa .. ni lah !
which one is me ? sape cepat dia dapat ! hahahah XD 
erghh~ pelik beno bnyi nye tuu ..
anyway , bkn pertandingan pun .. hahahaha
no idea laa ...
hmm ..   

my new car ... 
How Do I Look ?
ha ha ha ha 
my mother was already booking this car !!
so .. no want can get it ! understand ?!
LOL =.=

sincerely by 

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Saturday, 24 November 2012

first time nie tau

assalamualaikum !
ep u guys ! nie nak share sikit laa .. 
saye ade terbace satu blog nie , blog nie khas utk tutorial blogger :DD
bukan nye ape pon . saye just tertarik je dgn cara2 dye .. 
saye tengok satu je pon .. 
erm .. pasal ...
ape benda nama nye tuu ..
arrgghhh !! tu tak penting ! yg penting .. 
ehem.. ehem ...
erk ?terbatuk sikit 
hehehe ...
dengan ini .. saye mengisytiharkan 
hasil karya saya sendiri ..
jeng .. jeng .. jeng 

takde lah awesome sgt ..kira okayy laa tu kn ??
biase lh .. new bies bha ..

sincerely by ;

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Monday, 19 November 2012

My story :D

hye there ! it's been a long time not see you guys ! hmm .. i am very miss u !! i would like to share my story about my ... boyfriend who was broke up with me a few moths ago .. it's maybe too privacy for me , but nevermid .. i don't have any friend except you (blogger) to be shared :D

okayy let's start . His name is Mohammad Sollehan Bin Zaini . He's 17th years old ( form 5 ) in this year . He's the last son from 5 ZAini's son . He have one sister who teaching at SMK Agama Miri ( SMKAMi ) . As you know , his sister is Ustazah who is teaching in my class ! huh ?! firstli he told me that , i am almost 'pengsan' .. but he said , "don't worry , syg . she'll never know our relationship " . hahaha .. And that , he prove he's word .His sister doesn't know our relationship . i think our relationship can stay longer .. but 'hakikatnya' my relationship between Solleh are not longer than i taught .. we was broke up at the fb ?! what ?? Facebook ?! sh!t ! no class lh !! hmm .. but nevermind . :D i think this is all Allah taught .. Allah does not want me to stay longer with Solleh . Thank you Allah for giving e way to you . Now i can fell a peace x) .

hehehe , Your sincerely,

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Saturday, 27 October 2012

holiday sabah 1

assalamualaikum :DD

hye kita berjumpa lgi !!! tok .. kmk mok cerita tyma ary raya haji thun tokk !!! best u ...!! tpi syg ... kmk x smbhyg kt kpg kdirik .. huhuhu ;'( tpi ,.. kmk puas aty sbb kmk holiday kat sabah !!! yeahh !!! sukk tuu ~~
kmk smbhyg kat masjid terbesar di Kampung Likas (Masjid terapung) .. best kat cya ... x cyk udh .. yg pnting nang best lh !hnya Tuhan jk tauk gney feeling kmk tyme tokk !! hehehe :))

sebelum hry raya hji mnjelang , kmk an mak kmk an uncle kmk pegi Kinabalu Park . best u ~~ hahahahaLOL XD .. kat cya , kmk org pegi maount kinabalu .. x lh kat puncak .. just nangga gunung yr jak .. hahaha XD .. tpi , tyme yr kmk org x pat nangga gunung yr .. bab tyme yr hujan~ !! huhuhu :'( syg nyaa.. p .. xpa .. bagi mnjaga haty kmk , mak kmk tunjuk kn 3 chipmunk yg kiut de'molek molek itu .. hahaha .. tpi , oleh kerana mood kmk x baet tyme yr , mak kmk x pat tngkap gmbarchipmunk yr .. kn ujan ... basah lh camera yr kelak .. p xpa .. kakyr , kmk eppy semula ! yahooo !!! \m/

i hadapan kilang lembuuu 
di kampung i don't know what is the name of it 
di desa farm , nangga lempu diperah susu ! euu .. 
di desa farm <3 miss this moment 

that's all i can tell u rite now ...
len kli kita blogger lgi !


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Friday, 7 September 2012

hensem kn ??? hehehe ...
i minat dye nie tau ..
jgn ambik keyhh ???
hehehe :DD

ade lagi !!!

 sweet nye kalo dye senyum ...
huwmm ...
kalo lha i dpt dye ..
pasti bahagia sepanjang hayat kn ??
hehehe ... :))

by Alya <3
peace no War !! \m/

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A reflection on life .....

At times we often find ourselves lost in the world, reaching out to understand our purpose and aim. With such busy lifestyles we often find our lives are merely controlled by day to day events, where we become mere robots with certain duties and repetitive cycles which we live day in and day out. It is at such times that we really need to take a step back and think "what am I doing in this world?" and "What is my purpose and goal?", for more often than not, being unmindful of these questions means we are living in this life but we are hardly living at all. 

To have a real life is to make the most of it, to grow and reach out towards our purpose, our goals and aims, to make our lives and all those around us more fulfilling and the world a better place. But above all we should do this with sincerity and thus by doing so attaining the pleasure of our Nourisher and Creator. Eid is a special reminder of this fact. The word Eid comes from the word "I'ada - اعاده " in Arabic meaning "to return". As such, the spiritual month of Ramadhan has taught us to return to our Lord and purpose in life and as such Eid can be celebrated as a time of returning to our essence.

"Deemed ye then that We had created you for naught, and that ye would not be returned unto Us?"

أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثًا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ
[The Qur'an, Ch.23 V.115]
There are two comparisons we can make: One is of a person (X) who lives his/her life for the sake of this world. They rely on this world for their means of satisfaction, completeness and happiness. Whilst another person (Y) lives their life for the sake of the afterlife, and finds their satisfaction, completeness and happiness in following God’s will. As for person X, they find that they are always in loss, despair and depression with little happiness along the waybecause this life is a transient place which doesn’t seem to satisfy ones needs the more one dwells in its pleasures, the more thirsty one gets. 

"By the declining day,
Lo! man is a state of loss,"

إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ

[The Qur'an, Ch.103 V.1-2]
The above verse is true in all aspects of life. As times goes on, things that we had valued start to decrease...
With youth comes old age, with health comes sickness, with wealth comes poverty, with families and loved ones comes death and loss, with strength comes weakness and the list continues with the human being falling in further 'loss'. The verse in the Holy Qur'an summarises this beautifully:
"Allah is He Who shaped you out of weakness, then appointed after weakness strength, then, after strength, appointed weakness and grey hair. He createth what He will. He is the Knower, the Mighty." 

اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ ضَعْفٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِنْ بَعْدِ ضَعْفٍ
قُوَّةً ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِنْ بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفًا وَشَيْبَةً ۚ يَخْلُقُ
مَا يَشَاءُ ۖ وَهُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْقَدِيرُ 

[The Qur'an, Ch.30 V.54]

For with every satisfaction or gain in this life there is an equal and opposite force of dissatisfaction and loss which goes hand in hand.

"But lo! with hardship goeth ease,

Lo! with hardship goeth ease;"

فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا

[The Qur'an, Ch.94 V.5-6] 
We therefore find all is in loss in this world, as if the creator is trying to tell us that this world is short lived, and is not the true ‘life’ which awaits us, so why do we spend so much effort on this world which is a transient place instead of working to secure a good place in the our everlasting abode? This is the reality of life: a means of tests, trials and tribulations. 

"Do men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with affliction?"

أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أَنْ يُتْرَكُوا أَنْ يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَهُمْ لَا يُفْتَنُونَ

[The Qur'an, Ch.29 V.2]

Now, going back to person Y, who lives their life for the sake of the afterlife. They have understood this life, where each trial and tribulation is a means of getting closer to God. Where every blessing is a beautiful gift from God and we are accountable for how we act with these gifts. If God was to take it from us, we would not fall in despair or be unhappy, for it was not ours to begin with, but rather a trust from God which he has taken back. 

It is in the difficult situations that we are humbled and see how insignificant and feeble this life of ours is.
Therefore a believer is one who finds that to achieve happiness in this life (and the next), is to be content with what God has given us in this life, as everything is a test and a means to get closer to Him. With every illness there is a removal of a sin or an elevation of our status in heaven (as long as we remain patient). For every loved one that is lost, a satisfaction that they will be returning to the One that loves them the most, and an understanding that all is in the Wisdom of the Almighty who doesn’t do anything but out of His Mercy.

"Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."
[Sahih Bukhari - Chapter of patience]
The verse which we began with, in Surat Al-Asr (Chapter of The Declining Day), Chapter 103, has a beautiful conclusion for those who believe, who are steadfast in religion and see this life as an opportunity and gift from the Almighty Lord. For they have truly realised that anything done for the sake of this world will perish and be in loss, and anything they do in this world for the sake of the afterlife and achieving God’s satisfaction will remain even after they die.
"By the declining day, 
Lo! man is a state of loss, 
Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance."

إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ 
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ 
[The Qur'an, Ch.103 V.1-3]

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What is mean MUSLIMAH ???

Muslimah is Muslim woman that use the guidance of alquran as the way of life. One of the quran teaching is Muslim woman who has to covers her face and hands when in public or in the presence of any man outside her immediate family but many people thinks that is very old teaching and not modern. Some of muslimah try to teach the important to be muslimah by taking cartoon as the media of teach it. One of them is kak alin, She is one of muslimah from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Her Muslimah cartoon has been published in several magazines in Kuala Lumpur. She also teach lot of children in her country how to make the cartoon using Adobe Illustrator. She and her friends also make several comics for kids and a lot of kid like it very much :))

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Friday, 3 August 2012

Awang Mohd Zulnizam


 there's nothing .....

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Selamat Tinggal Ayie !!!!

kini hanya tinggal kenangan di antara kita berdua .. terima kasiyh buat segala kenangan manis kita bersama ..  

Ayie ...

walaupun kau jaek dolok an aku , tpi, aku x kesah . 
tpi yg pelik nya ,
kenak kau polah aku sentiasa senyum ?
apa maksud kau ya ?
mun dh baet , terlebih pulak kau ..

Ayie ...

makseh bab sentiasa di samping aku selama tok .
i'm happy when you're happy ,
i'm smile when you smiling at me ,
i'm sad when you're sad ,
i'm getting bad girl when you're start to be like naughty boy ,

and now ...

i'm so lonely without you ..
i cry without tears ..
i shout without a voice ..
i happy without a feeling ..


and today ..
 you're word always flying in my mind !

" sorie keyh fina . "

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Monday, 4 June 2012

Sunday, 3 June 2012

fall in LOVE again ??!

hehehe .. ktkOrg psti x knl nk ??? Ouke ..

-abdul rahim
-fOrm 4 ( this year )
-4R ..(im nOt sure)
- MY seniOr

kmeQ x knl gyilak lhar an ny tOk bena yr .. kmeQ just knal2 kedak yr jak .. but, kmeQ tauk ny baet .. n kmeQ dpt asa kn yg ny tOk .. special ?? hahahaa .. mOwk tauk lebih mendalam ? jOm ! :DD

first kmeQ knl ny .. time fOrm 1 .. tpi, kmeQ just knl2 kedak yr jkk .. belOm brteguran gyik lhar .. cpa juak mOk BERTEGUR an seniOr .. fOrm 1 lhar kata kn .. phm2 je lhar .. masa first2 terserempak an ny , bulan ... erm .. x tauk lhar bulan brapa .. kmeQ ada asa laen .. masa yr , kmeQ mOwk gi kelas guna tngga tngah2 .. bkn tngga fOrm 2 kinek lha .. masa yr blOm gyik bkak tngga fOrm 2 yr .. hrm .. kmeQ an kwn kmeQ mira, jln sama .. asyik termenung jk , kmeQ TERPANDANG ny .. ny senyum an kmeQ , pa gyik ?? senyum juak lhar kmeQ . hahahaa XD .. sukk lhar jdi ny .. bodo' ..

pas kejadian yr nk , kmeQ mala jk TERSENGEH-SENGEH .. cmpe2 kwn kmeQ tegO kmeQ , mira " ae fina , knk kau tersengeh-sengeh ?? laen mcm nmpak ?? " .. hahaha ' msih ingat gyik kmeQ pa nOk dpdh ny ari yr ... so, kmeQ senyum jk an ny .. x tauk mOk pdh pa gyik .. tpi, mira x tauk lhar yg kmeQ .. hehehe .. EHEM2 .. phm2 jk lhar .. hehehe .. mira buad x dulik lhar an kmeQ pas yr .. kmeQ pun x lalek lhar kak yr .. time2 blaja yr , kmeQ asyik TERINGAT-INGAT an laki yr .. cmpe2 , time subjek maths , cikgu Franky Wong aja , bleyh2 gyik muka cikgu Franky berubah jdi muka laki yr .. ahahahahak !! XD .. nang calie lhar . tauk x kwn kmeQ pdh an kmeQ yg kmeQ TERSENYUM-SENYUM nangga muka cikgu Franky . first2 , kmeQ x cyak .. mun bena pun , pasti cikgu Franky perasan . kwn kmeQ pdh lhar .. time kmeQ tersenyum-senyum yr , cikgu Franky da pdh an kmeQ something . ny pdh , kmeQ blajar dgn penOh rOmantik . hahaha XD .. ya Rabbi ! kmeQ x sedar pun masa cikgu Franky pdh cm yr . kwn kmeQ pdh , time yr suma org tengok kmeQ .. hehehe .. sungguh memalukan .. seriously bhh , kmeQ lngsung x perasan ..kmeQ dulik jk lha .. msa cikgu Franky terserempak an kmeQ , kmeQ pa gyik ?? tunduk malu lhar .. >////< .. heyya .. lma kelamaan , kmeQ pun lupak dh an ny .. tp, setiap kali terserempak an ny , seperti biasa .. termenung .. hahahaZ

masa fOrm 2 pulak .. kmeQ BARUK tauk ny punya nma (abdul rahim ) ! .. kesian kmeQ tOwk , time fOrm 2 bruk tauk nma ny .. sedih .. yr pun time bulan sukan .. 3 or 2 .. msa ari sukan yg ke-1 ..yg pertama lhar .. asa ny lhar .. time yr kmeQ xda buad pa2 .. lam khemah jkk .. bukan apa , rahim pun da lam khemah juakk bhh .. hahaha .. mudahh eyh .. kmeQ dudOk2 bhh sia .. masa yg ada lari .. x tauk brapa ratus meter .. xda org cheer k rumah ijO .. ngam2 time yr cikgu Faiz merepak kat sia . ny pdh , sapa yg xda polah yr , hias lhar khemah . pa gyik kmeQ an deena lari lhar .. x mOk buad keja lha tekk .. kmeQ org lari gi pdng .. pa pOlah ? cheer pasukan rumah ijO lhar .. time2 sukk cheering yr , dtg lhar rahim an nasha tokk .. gagO juak mOk cheering sama .. huh ?! kmeQ tngOk ny , senyum ny an kmeQ . hehe ' snyum lhar juak nk?? kakya, kmeQ pdh an deena , " deena , :) ( polah muka senym ) ." . deena heran lhar nk ?? cpa juak x heran mun org yr tetiba snyum . deena pdh dak tok , " knk ?" .. kmeQ senyum jk lh ..

kmeQ selalu terfikir .. tiap kali nya limpas kmeQ , kmeQ akn ada asa laen . walaupun x tngga muka ny . pelik nk ?? tpi , hnya 1 jkk kmeQ yakin .. yakin gyilak2 .. kmeQ asa kmeQ dhh mula minat kt ny .. hahaha XD .. i can't believe this ! kmeQ ska an seniOr ??!! fOrm 5 gyik yr ! aargghh !!! he driving me crazy . ( pa mksd yr ) hahaha .. broken english ! OH MY ENGLISH ! hahaha ..

so , that's my story ! quite long owh .. ahahak .. tok bru ckit tok , blOm abis gyik .. tOk m=kmeQ pndekk kn jkk .. pnjang gyilak story 'bOut laki tokk bhaa .. x kn mOk tulis suma ny nk ?? hahah a .. hope ur enjoy it ! kbye ! -wasalam -

here some picture !

setiap karangan pasti ade penutup kn ?? comment laa sikit :D