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... Love yourself before you love Someone ..: 11/19/12


Monday, 19 November 2012

My story :D

hye there ! it's been a long time not see you guys ! hmm .. i am very miss u !! i would like to share my story about my ... boyfriend who was broke up with me a few moths ago .. it's maybe too privacy for me , but nevermid .. i don't have any friend except you (blogger) to be shared :D

okayy let's start . His name is Mohammad Sollehan Bin Zaini . He's 17th years old ( form 5 ) in this year . He's the last son from 5 ZAini's son . He have one sister who teaching at SMK Agama Miri ( SMKAMi ) . As you know , his sister is Ustazah who is teaching in my class ! huh ?! firstli he told me that , i am almost 'pengsan' .. but he said , "don't worry , syg . she'll never know our relationship " . hahaha .. And that , he prove he's word .His sister doesn't know our relationship . i think our relationship can stay longer .. but 'hakikatnya' my relationship between Solleh are not longer than i taught .. we was broke up at the fb ?! what ?? Facebook ?! sh!t ! no class lh !! hmm .. but nevermind . :D i think this is all Allah taught .. Allah does not want me to stay longer with Solleh . Thank you Allah for giving e way to you . Now i can fell a peace x) .

hehehe , Your sincerely,

setiap karangan pasti ade penutup kn ?? comment laa sikit :D